Elementary School Information

Deerfield Elementary’s School Day Begins @ 7:50 am & Ends @ 4:00 p.m.
Staff available: 7:20-7:30am & 4:00-4:20pm (or by appointment)
The front doors open at 7:20 – please do not drop-off/arrive earlier as there is no adult supervision.
*Student Drop-off & Pick-Up is located outside on the front patio. Thank you for your cooperation.*
Breakfast is Served M-Th: 7:20-7:40 Students arriving after 7:40 will NOT be served. Tardy Bell: 7:50
Lunch is Served: Shift 1 (grades Pre, K, 2, 3) 11:00-11:25 & Shift 2 (grades 1,4,5) 11:30-11:55
*If you would like to join your child for lunch, please notify (email/phone) Liliana Gonzalez, prior to 8:30 AM.*
3 year AM Preschool is M-Th: 7:50-11:30 (Lunch is served 11:10-11:30)
Early Release Days: AM Preschool 7:50-10:50 & PM Pre-K 11:00-2:00 K-5 7:50-2:00
4 year PM Pre-K is M-Th: 12:40-4:00 (Lunch is served 12:20-12:40)
Supper 4:00 & TWIX 4:00-5:45
Buses depart at 4:10 PM & 5:50
*Any changes made to your child’s daily routine, need to be directed (email/phone) to Liliana Gonzalez, prior to 3:00 PM.*
All students have outside recess daily (unless conditions are dangerous).
A doctor’s note is required for ALL alternate recess/PE arrangements.
*Please stay weather aware and make sure your child is dressed accordingly.*

2024-25 Elementary School Supply List
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